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What is an infertility evaluation?

During an infertility evaluation, exams and tests are done to try to find the cause of infertility. If a cause is found, treatment may be possible.
Infertility often can be successfully treated even if no cause is found.

When should I consider having an infertility evaluation?
You should consider having an infertility evaluation if any of the following apply to you:
• You have not become pregnant after 1 year of having regular sexual intercourse without the use of birth control.
• You are older than 35 years and have not become pregnant after 6 months of having regular sexual intercourse withoutthe use of birth control.
• Your menstrual cycle is not regular.
• You or your partner have a known fertility problem.

What causes infertility?

Both male and female factors can contribute to infertility.

Female factors may involve problems with ovulation, the reproductive organs, or hormones.
Male factors often involve problems with the amount or health of sperm.

Does age affect fertility?

Yes. A woman begins life with a fixed number of eggs. This number decreases as she grows older.
For healthy, young couples, the chance that a woman will become pregnant is about 20% in any single menstrual cycle.
This percentage starts to decline in a woman’s early 30s. It declines more rapidly after age 37 years.
A man’s fertility also declines with age, but not as predictably.

Can lifestyle affect fertility?

Lifestyle factors can play a role in infertility.

For women, being underweight, being overweight, or excessive exercise may be associated with infertility. Drinking alcohol at moderate or heavy levels and smoking may make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.

For men, smoking, heavy drinking, marijuana use, and anabolic steroid use can reduce sperm count and movement. Smoking also can lead to erectile dysfunction.

How long does an infertility evaluation take?

The infertility evaluation can be finished within a few menstrual cycles in most cases.

What should I expect during my first visit for infertility?

The first visit usually involves a detailed medical history and a physical exam.

What tests are done for infertility?

Tests for infertility include laboratory tests, imaging tests, and certain procedures.

What does the basic testing for a woman consist of?

Laboratory tests might include tracking basal body temperature, a urine test, a progesterone test, thyroid function tests, prolactin level test, and tests of ovarian reserve.
Imaging tests and procedures might include an ultrasound exam, hysterosalpingography, sonohysterography, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy.

You may not have all of these tests and procedures.

What does the basic testing for a man consist of?

The testing for a man often involves a semen analysis (sperm count). If the result of the semen analysis is abnormal or areas of concern are found in the man’s history, other tests may be considered. For example, an ultrasound exam may be done to find problems in the ducts and tubes that the semen moves through. Ultrasound also may be used to find problems in the scrotum that may be causing infertility. dress used for bridesmaid which is child

In this post, I covered the evaluation for infertility.

Pascal Jarjoura, MD, FACOG
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Assistant Professor
Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Mobile: 961 76331715